Our Logo and Motto

For our logo, we chose a simple, white ellipse to represent a light footprint, cleanliness and purity. A bit like a soap bubble really.

The proud farm horse symbolises earlier times, when life was less complicated, and people and animals were in harmony with the earth: a more natural way of doing things. The workhorse also represents the innate qualities of our soap: gentle and dependable performance under prolonged use.

‘Clean. Green. Pristine.’

Our motto includes “clean” because the island of Tasmania has strict biosecurity measures and a global reputation for being free of agricultural diseases and genetic modification (GMO). 

We are “green” due to the fact that produce grown and harvested in Tasmania uses world-best ethical practices in regard to environmental standards.

And, we are “pristine” for the reason that 20% of Tasmania constitutes one of the last expanses of temperate wilderness in the world (we source our honey and beeswax from honeybees foraging on the edge of these forests). Plus, our seas remain wild and unpolluted (where our bull kelp seaweed and sea salt ingredients come from). In addition, the natural rainwater used in our soap is independently quality-tested by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA), Australia. It originates from the rainclouds above our picturesque country farm.

Interestingly, Tasmania’s Coat of Arms, granted by King George V in 1917, has as its motto, ‘Ubertas et fidelitas’, Fertility and Faithfulness. It reflects the importance placed on agriculture in the State:

Tasmanian Soap Farm │Artist's impression of the Tasmanian Coat of Arms

Artist’s impression of the Tasmanian Coat of Arms (Credit)

The red lion has its origins in British heraldry. Its forepaw rests on a pick and shovel (representing the mining industry). On the shield, a sheaf of wheat, a ram, apples and hops represent agriculture, while a heraldic thunderbolt depicts hydro-electricity. A pair of Tasmanian tigers, or Thylacines, support the shield.

We see ourselves as fortunate indeed to be able to add value to Tasmania’s world-class produce and her naturally-occurring assets via our handmade products.