5. vegan Toothsoap
The previous sharing on our milk & honey toothsoap provided information on why I honestly think our toothsoap is simply marvellous. I’m not going to repeat what I said there, but if you haven’t read it, you might like to skip back.
While there is some overlap of ingredients, I developed our vegan toothsoap for people who would rather use no animal products.
What’s in it?
100% Tasmanian, 100% Natural Ingredients
Tasmanian Soap Farm vegan toothsoap is made from 100% Tasmanian, natural ingredients (with no abrasives, so it’s great for cleaning dentures too!):
virgin olive oil, filtered rainwater, lye, hemp seed oil, poppy seed oil, non-GM canola oil, wild dandelion flowers, peppermint essential oil and dissolved sea salt. It also contains pure glycerine, self-made naturally from the chemistry of the ingredients during the soap creation process.
What are the ingredients’ oral health attributes?
Botanicals (plant-derived)
Natural oils: The inclusion of olive oil, hemp seed oil, poppy seed oil and canola seed oil can be likened to the ancient Ayurveda practice of oil pulling (swishing oil around in the mouth). This method is reported to ‘pull’ harmful bacteria from the mouth. (https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/6-benefits-of-oil-pulling, 2017 ) So, as well as being cleansing and moisturising, these oils have some great additional properties, including the ability to make the lather we expect from toothpaste. What’s more, they are full of vitamins.
Peppermint essential oil is known to have antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, and biofilm-inhibiting properties in the oral cavity. It can also inhibit periodontitis, gingivitis, and halitosis, or bad breath. (https://www.dentistryiq.com/dental-hygiene/patient-education/article/16366392/essential-oils-the-multiple-role-of-the-oils-in-dental-treatment, 2017)
Dandelion, a herb, has numerous health benefits and is one of the richest natural sources of inulin. It is a potent prebiotic✽. Laboratory research found that it stimulated the growth of fourteen different strains of bifidobacteria. Bifidobacteria are important components of the immune system that inhibit pathogenic bacteria, such as those in the mouth. (https://plantmedicines.org/dandelion-benefits-14-medical-conditions/2019)
✽ Prebiotics are non-living, nondigestible fibres that work as a fertilizer for probiotics. They have the potential to fight against tooth decay as they can favour the growth of lactic acid bacteria at the expense of the bacterial strains that cause caries. (https://www.cosmeticsdesign-europe.com/Article/2010/08/11/Prebiotics-can-help-fight-tooth-decay-by-favouring-good-bacteria-over-bad)
Glycerine - a natural by-product of the lye and oils soap chemistry, is water-soluble (it dissolves easily) and bacteriostatic (it prevents bacteria from reproducing). (https://biologicaldentalhealth.com/no-glycerin-isnt-a-problem-for-tooth-remineralization, 2018)
Salt: the inclusion of salt helps to alkalize the mouth, which is great for balancing the pH of the mouth, and for the overall health of your oral microbiome. (https://www.drstevenlin.com/salt-good-for-you, 2018)
Water: Filtered rainwater, from our farm, is accredited by the Tasmanian Government’s Analytical Services, accredited by NATA (the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia) as low in Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): 68 mg/L with a pH of 7.4, plus naturally occurring minerals calcium and magnesium.
Our vegan Toothsoap all packaged up and ready to go!
I like using this toothsoap too. I’m so pleased that I developed it because it offers people a choice when it comes to healthier mouth care.
The contents of this sharing are for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment . . . Read More →