Our Good to Great Journey
Tasmanian Soap Farm are humbled and grateful to be recognised in our wider community for championing our 100% Tasmanian-provenance, artisan soaps. Thank you very much for your support as we grow our little Tassie business to greatness … we’re in good hands!
2022: Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Sustainability Award Semi-Finalist, Tasmania
(28th October, 2022: Community Achievement Awards Gala Presentation Dinner, Hobart)
Tasmanian Premier, Jeremy Rockcliff presenting Michelle and Nick Bennett with their semi-finalist certificate in the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Sustainability Award category from the Tasmanian Community Achievement Awards.
March 27th, 2023: News Article in The Advocate, Burnie Tasmania
Journalist Steven Poletti interviewed Michelle as the 2022-23 cruise ship season (and Makers’ Hub) comes to an end in Burnie.
May 4th, 2023: AGFEST Best Craft Exhibit
Tasmanian Soap Farm was presented with this prestigious award at a special dinner on site at Quercus Park, home of AGFEST’s premier field days, hosted by Rural Youth, Tasmania.
December, 2023 and January 2024: Wonders of Wynyard (WOW) Artist Exhibition
Michelle was invited to exhibit her Tasmanian Soap Farm products at the Wonders of Wynyard, an exhibition, gallery and museum located in Wynyard, Tasmania. Visitors were also able to purchase the farmacy products.
September 2024: Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Sustainability Award Semi-Finalist (Industry), Tasmania
Tasmanian Soap Farm were thrilled to receive another nomination for the EPA Sustainability Award, 2024. Despite being a small company, they were recognised for their commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly products and packaging. Take a look at some of the big names (below) sharing the semi-finalist position! Quite an achievement.